Formaplas: Specialist in thermo-shaping and presentation tray production

Transformation of films and sheets of plastic into Thermo-plastic

Firmly convinced that the transformation of films and sheets into thermoplastics offers an unlimited range of answers to clients with increasingly demanding requirements for the presentation and manufacture of products, Claude Gilli, already specialised in the plastics sector for a number of years, created Formaplas in 1972.

Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Point of Sale advertising…

The machine is put into motion. Formaplas rapidly imposes itself in such varied domains as pharmaceuticals, perfumes, cosmetics plus the automobile, leisure, packaging and point of sale advertising industries.

Plastic film, mould & LDC

Among the most common techniques employed are thermo-shaping and presentation tray production, for which Formaplas has developed numerous tailored solutions, thus establishing itself as one of the market leaders. The first of these techniques consists in heating and softening a plastic film and shaping it by vacuuming it on a mould, thus offering a wide range of shapes. The second, named “presentation tray production”, involves folding a sheet of LDC according to a pre-prepared template. Whilst these were perfectly successful methods, thanks to proven techniques, they did not manage to satisfycertain, very specific, needs of clients. During the 80’s, this led to another project being developed in Claude Gilli’s mind…

Formaplas in figures


  • Principality of Monaco: 13 employees
  • Tunisia: 32 employees


  • 50 to 100 technical studies carried out per month

Activities/ Services:


Mr Bruno Gilli, Managing Director of Formaplas

Mr Bruno GILLI
Managing Director